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Ravenclaws are the crazily clever individuals

Ravenclaws are just a bunch of nerds who mostly keep to ourselves (oh wait I just described the entire Harry Potter fandom). Just kidding. Maybe they’re not the most expressive house. I partially blame the movies for that. Ravenclaws can get past the silver and blue thing instead of silver and bronze, but they will never forgive the fact that they put a CROW on the crest (not even a raven, crow) when it states so clearly in the book that it is an eagle! All the official merchandise is wrong now and Ravenclaws are too busy to argue about. which is right, to show house pride. But a large portion of the Harry Potter fandom are ravenclaw and proudly. Even in the Potterverse Ravenclaw might not be the house you want to be into the most, but it’s one most wouldn’t mind being sorted into (unless you're a weird person like me that doesn't like blue and didn't wanted to be a Ravenclaw because of that). Malfoy states that if he’s sorted into Hufflepuff he’d just leave, and James says the same about Slytherin. When Sirius gets sorted into Gryffindor his parents resent him for it. Somehow I think it would have been less of a big deal if he had been sorted into Ravenclaw. To many people, Ravenclaw is the next best thing, why would they be mad about themselves/their kid getting sorted into Ravenclaw. Gryffindor can be written off as the impulsive idiots, Hufflepuff as the boring goodie-two-shoes, Slytherin as the mean bigoted people, but Ravenclaw just has this “okay too” thing about it, okay some are a little weird, but they’re mostly associated with cleverness and wit, and who isn’t flattered just a little bit by being called smart? Ravenclaws are typically intelligent, but they are not always academically inclined. They are creative and witty. They value learning, but this is not learning for the sake of it. They learn about what they are interested in. Many people say that Ravenclaws are stuck up, boringly studious or cold. In most cases this could not be farther from the truth. Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood were considered strange. Hermione often criticises their intelligence, but it is shown that their open mindedness gave them a great capacity to learn many different things and both of them gave out great wisdom to the other characters. Garrick Ollivander was also considered a bit mad but he was also the greatest wandmaker to have ever lived. He may not have been the top of his class in every subject, but he excelled in what he was interested in. Uric the Oddball was one of the most eccentric wizards to have ever lived and he is often the punchline to many jokes. Quirrel and Lockhart were also Ravenclaws and it is clear that they were not the most intelligent people. However, they were excellent at what interested them. Filius Flitwick was a kind, intelligent wizard who cared for his students and tried his best to help them learn the best they could. He values learning and this is a noticeable Ravenclaw trait.

Luna is definitely my favorite Ravenclaw. She's smart in her own way. Being "different" or "absent-minded" is not equivalent to NOT being clever. She has her own beliefs that may or (may not) be ridiculous (it can probably be attributed to her being brought up by Xenophilius Lovegood), however she never enforces them on others. She's independent and free-thinking, her mind is always open to possibilities (in fact this indicates that she would have made an excellent scientist/philosopher in the Muggle world).Plus she is NOT bad with spells and seems to be a very capable witch when duelling (be it in DA or at the Ministry or the final Battle of Hogwarts).

Ravenclaw is all about knowledge. However, knowledge isn’t just based in logic or memorizing passages and formulas- it’s about experimentation and exploring the unknown. Both of these things require people to think outside the box and dare to ask the questions no one else dares to ask. True discovery comes from being crazy enough to try to do the things that no one else is willing to bother (or think of) doing.So basically, Ravenclaws are the crazily clever or cleverly crazy individuals.

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