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About Slytherins (things that we never say)

I started to say that I was a Slytherin because Snape was my favorite character (I was a weird kid and I'm still a weird person) and I couldn't understand how the trio keeped give him such a bad time even when they discover in the end of Philosopher's Stone that he was protecting them all the time. Slytherins always have been "the bad guys" for most of the people. When I first went to the Studio Tour I was using my Slytherin Scarf and Robes with pride while talking to my mother in Portuguese when I listen one guy saying to his friends in english that he couldn't understand why someone would use Slytherin merch. I was dreaming, saving and planning that day for ages. I had take 1 plane, 2 trains, 2 subways and one bus to be there and I was planning on make it the most of it so I just kept talking to my mother in Portuguese and I pretended that I didn't understood what he just said but that phrase appeared in my memory a few days after that (there was no space to bad memories after a day in the Wizarding World) and I felt the need to write about Slytherins and why we are a great house.

Slytherins are always striving to be the best. We are creative, resourceful and ambitious. Yes, we are very exclusive about who we let close. However, the flipside of this is that once you’ve become a Slytherin’s friend, we will look out for you no matter what. We have a very strong sense of taking care of our own, prioritizing it over anyone/everyone else, sometimes even at the cost of others. Slytherins are loyal in a more focused, specific way than the all-encompassing loyalty of a Hufflepuff, but that doesn’t make it any less valuable than the Puffs. Look at Narcissa Malfoy, who was loyal to her family only and, even though he was the most powerful Dark Lord there ever was, defied Voldemort for the sake of her son. Slytherins are focussed on personal achievements rather than idealistic ones. Striving for our own ambitions looks selfish, guiltlessly so even, but that is still an admirable trait. For Slytherin's not going whatever length to achieve what we want is wrong. We don’t feel guilty about valuing ourselves and taking the time and effort to achieve what we want. Also, as to cunningness - this word is usually used to defame us but ok. Slytherin and Ravenclaw share being intelligent, but they utilize it in different ways. Slytherins use them as tools and oftentimes are cunning with it, applying it in ways that aren’t necessarily strictly legal and/or approved. Whereas a Ravenclaw gains knowledge for the sake of knowledge, Slytherins gain it to be put to use. In Slytherins you’ll find inspiring people and real friends. Please remember that if you want, you will always find something evil about everything but if you look at something with open eyes you maybe surprise and happy with what you see. We are not the best or the worse. We are not evil or saints. We are human. We are amazing the way that we are - just like all of you!

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